Boson Rapid Strep A Test Card

Product Sku: 5235

Product information



Boson Rapid Strep A Test Card

Boson Rapid Strep A Test Card

A rapid detection test (rapid test) Oropharyngeal Streptococcus Group A within 8 minutes for professional use

Streptococcus is the most common cause of upper respiratory infection and occurs mainly in children. The infection can lead to serious complications unless an early diagnosis is made.

The Boson Rapid Strep A Test Card contains :

  • Rapid Test Cassette Streptococcus group A
  • Reagent A
  • Reagent B
  • Sterile swab
  • Extraction tubing


  1. The oropharyngeal sample is collected with the included sterile swab
  2. Add 5 drops of reagent A and reagent B to the empty tube
  3. Place the sample in the tube for 2 minutes
  4. Press the tube by rotating the swab against the walls in order to remove as much sample as possible inside the tube.
  5. Open the casette and add 3 drops 
  6. Read the results after 8 minutes. Do not read the results after 10 minutes because they may not be true.





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