Microlife BP WatchBP Office

Product Sku: 3040

Product information



Blood Pressure Monitor WatchBP Office ■ Dedicated solution for the blood pressure measurement at the physician’s office ■ Strictly follows the European Society of Hypertension (ESH) guidelines Advantages of the WatchBP Office Blood Pressure Monitor Designed to comply to the ESH guidelines on blood pressure measurement in a practical and easy way for the busy clinical setting The unique two-cuff-design enables physicians to measure blood pressure on both arms simultaneously Optional auscultation mode is available for blood pressure measurement by the physician using a stethoscope The optional cardiovascular risk management software can facilitate the interpretation of office, home and ambulatory blood pressure measurements collected by the WatchBP family monitors This device has successfully passed the validation for both the oscillometric and the auscultatory measurement according to the ESH International Protocol (paper pending) to deliver the same level of accuracy as a well-calibrated mercury sphygmomanometer 1 2 3 1. First Visit During the first consultation, the patient receives three consecutive double-arm measurements to detect any inter-arm blood pressure difference. Based on the ESH guideline, the monitor will then indicate with which arm to measure during followup visits. If a patient has arrhythmia or is not suitable for oscillometric method, the physician may switch to the auscultation mode to measure the blood pressure with auscultatory method. 2. Follow-up Visit During the follow-up visit, the physician takes three or more blood pressure measurements on the arm previously determined by the monitor during the first visit. 3. Cardiovascular Disease Management Software All readings from this device can be collected by the optional cardiovascular disease management software wirelessly via Bluetooth to provide physicians with decision supports and data management functionality. The blood pressure readings collected by the Microlife WatchBP family monitors can be integrated into the software to help physicians to optimally diagnose hypertension and stratify cardiovascular risk.

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