Agan Eusensia No Depress 30V.Caps

Product Sku: 29962

Product information



Agan Eusensia No Depress is a dietary supplement with patented crocus extract (Affron), titrate extracts from Rodiola and Griffonia, L-tyrosine, magnesium and vitamins B6 and B12, ingredients that help positively the Restoring emotional and physical balance, improving mood and combating psychological transitions and mental fatigue. 
-Affron: The extract is taken from pure-spotted saffron and traditionally used to treat mild/moderate depression as well as in mood and sleep disorders, anxiety, irritability, anger, fatigue, overeating, etc. 
-Rodolia (Rhodiola Rosea): Prosarmogonos action, stress management. 
-Griphonia (Griffonia Simplicifolia): Support of mood. 
-L-tyrosine: positive effect on mental clarity and concentration, especially on those who go through a stressful period, with symptoms of anxiety, fatigue and sleep deprivation. 
-Magnesium: Calming effect on the nervous system.
-Folic acid: its deficiency is associated with depression and poor response to antidepressant medication. 
-Vitamin B12: Its inadequacy can be a reversible cause of various neuropsychiatric disorders. 
-Vitamin B6: Extremely important for serotonin synthesis.

Dietary supplement, mood enhancement, emotional balance.

Get with the food 1-2 capsules of Agan Eusensia No Depress daily with a little water.

Store in a shady and cool place, away from children.
If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, receiving medication or experiencing health problems, consult your doctor before taking this formulation.

Notification number of the national National Organization of Medicines *: 67910/26/07/2017

30 Vegetable Capsules

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