Αlgae Spirulina Serres 334mg 180Tabs

Product Sku: 1112

Product information



Food supplement with spirulina.

This is the food of the future. Produced in the region of Serres and is cyano-green microalgae, ready for eating. Formed from the compound of many cells, which create between filaments, which many times have a spiral pattern.

Considered a fairly balanced and complete food rich in plant nutrients and more than 100 nutrients. Characterized for high digestibility, which reaches 95%, compared with other foods, whose digestibility ranges in percentage between 10% to 15%. The production of nutrients takes place with the help of sunlight and carbon dioxide atmosphere. The blue color is due to the protein phycocyanin, which detoxifies the liver and kidneys, provide protection to cells against free radicals, enhances the production of blood cells and support immune function. Instead, the green color owes in chlorophyll, which beneficially contributes to the formation of red blood cells. Among the many ingredients that contain protein include 50% -70%, sugar 15% -25%, lipids of 5% -7%, vitamins (B1, B5, B6, B12, E), minerals, trace elements, Beta carotene, iron, fatty acids, antioxidants and chlorophyll.

Spirulina acts multilevel way the human body. Thanks to powerful antioxidants, containing works against premature aging and cancer. Protects brain cells and supports the smooth functioning of the nervous system due to amino acids contained in the recommendation.

Contains 180 tablets of 334 mg.

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