Am Health Smile Chlorella 60caps

Product Sku: 18927

Product information



Chlorella, a powerful super food
Chlorella is a green single-celled microalgae freshwater and rich in nutrients. Contains more nucleic acids (RNA / DNA) than any other food which gives energy potential. It is a useful supplement to enhance any diet that is deficient in green vegetables. Chlorella has a wide range of useful food applications, including support for natural detoxification of digestive health, immune function, antioxidant function, balance estrogen, cholesterol metabolism, weight management and circulatory.
Chlorella contains the highest amount of chlorophyll from most plants, with an impressive array of minerals and vitamins (A, D, E, K1, beta-carotene, lutein, vitamins B, iron, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium and zinc).
Chlorella is one of the most dynamic and living organisms on Earth, which can be played quickly due to highly active cellular components. This nutritional factor called Chlorella Growth Factor (CGF). The CGF is a mixture of nucleic acids, along with significantly glyconutrients (glucose, mannose, rhamnose, arabinose, galactose and xylose) and amino acids (glutamine, alanine, serine, glycine, proline, asparagine, threonine, lysine, cysteine, tyrosine, and leucine).
The unique concentration of nutrients in the Chlorella and energy structure of these nutrients is why Chlorella is actively investigated all over the world as a staple food to enhance human nutrition and offset many of the stressors that cause damage in our lives.
Some companies promote Chlorella cleaved cell wall because in most Chlorella required to disintegrate the cell wall prior to consumption, so that the nutrients can be absorbed. However, many important vitamins are destroyed when the cell wall is broken.
Chlorella, a natural antioxidant and pro detox
Chlorella is one of the leading nutrients for absorption of heavy metals, including mercury. This information is known in the field of environmental toxicology, where industrial pollution is threatening the survival of Chlorella because of high levels of exposure. Chlorella readily absorbs toxins, such as uranium, cadmium, mercury and lead.
The main method uses Chlorella to bind toxins metals is to isolate the cell wall. This is logical, because if the left inside the cell could cause malfunction of cells that will ultimately lead to cell death. Chlorella has survived for two billion years, so you can assume that the basic strategy to protect from poisons is pretty good.
Naturally, Chlorella Supplement no longer lives, but these properties are attracting metal cell wall appears to remain sufficiently functional. For example, a study in mice showed that exposure to lead decreased by 66% when administered concurrently Chlorella. If the report has preceded, then Chlorella helped to reduce by 17% in 10 days supplementation. The chlorella equivalent dose for an adult weighing 70 kg is 3.5 gr per day. Obviously, when the lead was in the animal body, it was difficult to eliminate, as compared to the ability of chlorella to isolate the digestive system and prevents the first absorption. Regardless, Chlorella is a powerful tool in the toolbox of natural detoxification.
Besides the metal-binding capacity, Chlorella has proven to facilitate protection of other toxins, supporting the antioxidant status and modulating genes important signals (NF-kB) in a healthy direction.
The PCB and the most toxic derivatives, furans and dioxins, are one of the major health challenges. These are fat soluble toxins easily accumulate in the food chain and now permeate our food, with almost all having excessive amounts of these chemicals into stored fat. Also released during weight loss and should be effectively cleaned. We know that the PCB block thyroid function.
A Japanese study of healthy pregnant women, found that taking chlorella 6 gr per day during pregnancy significantly reduced the amount of dioxins in breast milk in relation to standards (40% reduction). Furthermore, the study also showed an added benefit to the immune sIGA that women taking Chlorella was higher in breast milk, which means that their children had a better quality immune support.
Strengthen Immunity and Operation Lymph, especially under stress conditions.
To live well, you must be able to bear the stress, while maintaining your health. Too much stress causes excessive inflammation, which is core to undermine your health and the burden of your immune problems.
It has been demonstrated that Chlorella retains the important function of immune cells, even in the presence of high stress. A study shows that thymocytes (cells of the immune system associated with lymph buffers made ​​T-lymphocytes) were rescued from Chlorella under stress conditions, while reduced the stress hormone cortisol.
A recent study on human cells indicates that Chlorella amplifies the signals anti-inflammatory immune cells, favoring the activation of T Helper 1. This favors a more solid immune response to irritants.
An animal study shows that Chlorella was able to maintain the production of macrophages under stress conditions. The development of new macrophages are essential for the proper functioning of the lymphatic system. Macrophages are the natural scavengers Your lymphatic system. Too many Americans suffer from sluggish lymphatic function (stiffness in the shoulders, excessive mucus, pressure headaches, feeling tired in the morning). An equivalent dose for an adult weighing 70 Kg would be 3.5 gr to 14 gr daily amounts are likely to enhance the natural detoxification processes.
estrogen Overload
A key problem facing women is too much estrogen so that many female problems. Estradiol levels are increased regularly every month during the first half of the menstrual cycle when an egg matures. Once the egg is released, then estradiol having done its job, it must be cleaned. Your liver couples estradiol (the binding to a protein) to eliminate and then puts you in the bile, which travels through the gall bladder in the digestive system of your final expulsion from the gut.
If the content of the digestive tract is very unfriendly (unfriendly bacteria), then the link coupling can be exterminated by the bacteria, resulting estradiol be released and re-enter your body. This is highly undesirable because it exposes your body to estrogen, which is not correct. This can increase the risk of cancer associated with estrogen, formation of gallstones, endometrial overgrowth, and several disorders of the menstrual cycle linked to high estrogen levels (bloating, breast swelling / tenderness, headaches, heavy flow and / or cramps).
A study shows that Chlorella viometamorfonei active estradiol to estrone and helps clean estrone and estriol in isolation, the antioxidant friendly format your estrogen. This study suggests that any woman together with digestive discomfort and symptoms of high estrogen levels will benefit from receiving chlorella, a simple solution that can be considered as operating in improving digestive symptoms and female.
Chlorella support healthy cholesterol metabolism.
Numerous studies in animals and some studies in humans support the ability of chlorella to positive effect in cholesterol metabolism. The mechanism found in a recent study that showed that Chlorella helps the liver to convert cholesterol into bile thereby supporting the natural process by which the body clears cholesterol. It also aids in isolating the bile in the digestive system, so that the cholesterol is not reabsorbed back into the body. Soluble fibers are synergistic with Chlorella in this support proper elimination of cholesterol from the digestive tract, so higher than usual amounts not absorbed back into your body. Because toxins are also excreted in the bile, the same mechanism enhances both eliminate toxins and cholesterol.
There are many natural ways to treat cholesterol health with the right support metabolism. The ability of chlorella to help both the liver and the digestive system to eliminate cholesterol means it can be used in harmony with many other nutrients that also support healthy cholesterol metabolism for different reasons.
Numerous animal studies and a small study in humans suggest that Chlorella provides important nutrients that support healthy function of blood vessels nourishing your circulation with antioxidants and amino acid arginine.

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