Bach Aspen - 20ml

Product Sku: 2183

Product information



Aspen (Populus Tremula)

Aspen is indicated for people who are seized by sudden fears or worries for no specific reason, and who may therefore be generally nervy and anxious. A typical need for Aspen is for waking in fear from a bad dream, even if the dream itself is forgotten. Aspen is helpful for young children experiencing nightmares and night terrors (see also Rock Rose).

Aspen fears can occur during day or night; an inexplicable anxiety or sense of foreboding may strike when alone, or suddenly in the company of friends, and may be accompanied by trembling.

The positive potential of Aspen is a state of inner peace, security and fearlessness. Apprenhension is replaced by a desire for adventure and new experiences, disregarding difficulties and dangers.

As Dr Back wrote: ''Once we come to that realisation, we are beyond pain and suffering, beyond care or worry or fear, beyond everything except the joy of life, the joy of death, and the joy of our immortality ... we can walk that path through any danger, through any difficulty, unafraid''.

Dilute two drops of Aspen in a glass of water and sip at intervals. Replenish as neccessary

For multiple use, add two drops of Aspen to a 30ml mixing bottle (you may combine up to seven remedies in this bottle), top up with mineral water and take four drops at least four times a day.

If neccessary, the Bach Flower Remedies can be dropped neat onto the tongue, or rubbed onto the lips, behind the ears, or on the temples and wrists.

You can take Bach Flower Remedies as often as you like. If you are in a mood or a bit of a crisis, you only may need one dose, but if you have been feeling the same way for some time, you can take them for as long as you need to

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