Bach Walnut - 20ml

Product Sku: 2516

Product information



Walnut (Juglans Regia)

Walnut is for those who find it difficult to adapt to change or who are over-sensitive to certain ideas, atmospheres and influences. It is the remedy for times of major life changes - teething, puberty, pregnancy, divorce, menopause, changes of religion, moving a job or home, giving up an addiction or breaking away from old ties and restrictions, also for the regrets caused by change - loss of friends and familiar circumstances, ageing, bereavement, approaching death, etc.

Those in need of Walnut have definite ideals and ambitions and are keen to move forward in life but are held back or side-tracked by the influence of a stronger personality, by restrictive circumstances, by family ties or links with the past. They may be temporarily affected by another''s personality or problems: it is useful for therapists, healers and counsellors dealing with emotionally troubled or draining clients.

The positive potential of Walnut is the ability to move forward and remain steadfast to one''s path in life, free of the past and to make necessary changes in life, carrying plans through despite discouragement, objections or ridicule from others.

It is the remedy that provides constancy and protection from the influence of others.

Dilute two drops of Walnut in a glass of water and sip at intervals. Replenish as neccessary

For multiple use, add two drops of Walnut to a 30ml mixing bottle (you may combine up to seven remedies in this bottle), top up with mineral water and take four drops at least four times a day.

If neccessary, the Bach Flower Remedies can be dropped neat onto the tongue, or rubbed onto the lips, behind the ears, or on the temples and wrists.

You can take Bach Flower Remedies as often as you need. If you have a bit of a crisis, you only may need one dose, but if you have been feeling the same way for some time you can take them for as long as you need to.


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