BioGaia ProTectis Baby Drops D3, 5ml

Product Sku: 23596

Product information



Indications: hypovitaminosis D and functional gastrointestinal disorders.

The products of Biogaia, offer a clinically documented safety and efficacy in the treatment of the above symptoms. Specifically idrasi of L. reuteri Protectis, as dietary on functional gastrointestinal disorders, has been studied in children, regulating intestinal motility, increasing the rate of gastric emptying, combating pathogenic bacteria, as kaienischyontas immunoreactivity. The unique properties of L. reuteri Protectis combined perfectly with the unique properties of vitamin D (vitamin of the sun), ensuring the infant the proupatheseis for healthy gastrointestinal, healthy bone growth and strong immune.

DOSAGE: The product comes in drops. The recommended dose in infants is 5 drops / day.
What we mean functional gastrointestinal disorders;
As functional gastrointestinal disorders (GDR) set the variable combination of chronic and recurrent gastrointestinal symptoms, the occurrence of which is not associated with anatomical or biochemical abnormalities. Infantile colic, constipation and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is the most common of them during the first 6 months of life an infant. In infants suffering from GDR studied and noted the existence of inflammation of mucous and inadequate immune function.

SURVEY RESULTS: Reduction of the manifestations of functional gastrointestinal disorders with prophylactic use of Protectis D3 during the first 3 months of life the infant.

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