Eco Health ASPIVENIN Bites and stings

Product Sku: 10116

Product information



Device-pump provides first aid in cases
directly should n''aferethei venom from a snake bite or biting insects.

From the first bite or sting, avoid itching, pain and unpleasant reactions
there is a quick, convenient and effective solution: ASPIVENIN ®

Used to provide first aid.
Use ASPIVENIN ® immediately after the sting or bite a suction sufficient quantities of the poison.
In severe cases (eg snake bite, scorpion and allergies) other than the use of ASPIVENIN ®
necessary and supervised by a physician.
The ASPIVENIN ® is effective and does not cause pain.
In contrast, pain due to pinching or biting fade and disappear quickly.
The swelling and itching soften and fade.


The ASPIVENIN ® sucks the poison painlessly, thanks to the vacuum bar 800 miles
created on the skin surface. The vacuum is created entirely by pushing down the plunger.
Also, the constant pressure of ASPIVENIN ® prevents the further release of toxic substances
the point of stinging or biting and raises allergic reaction to the higher layers of the skin,
resulting in the elimination and local allergic reaction.


In any case bitten by example snakes, scorpions, wasps, bees, mosquitoes, gadflies, jellyfish, weevers (fish), plants, etc.

Use it as soon as possible.

Is contraindicated when the bite is on the eyelids or genitals and mucous membranes of the mouth.
Do not attempt to remove the sting of bees before use ASPIVENIN ®.
The center operates as a channel to draw the poison ASPIVENIN ®.


1.Topotheteitai without violence, that best reflects the nature and the position has the sting
bite or pull out completely the plunger pump.

2.Topothetiste the ASPIVENIN ® over the wound.
Shave, if necessary, the area around the bite for better contact with skin suction.

3.Kratiste well pump and press the tip of the thumb without stopping completely under the plunger.
Keep ASPIVENIN ® property act for 60-90 seconds (30 "goes for jellyfish)
and in severe cases 3 minutes.
If necessary repeat the aspiration.

4.Sikoste soft plunger to stop the aspiration and wash the wound with plenty of water
or an antiseptic. After each use is essential to wash the suction instead
not get water inside the pump.
The small suction cup used by both sides.
For babies or sensitive points may be at less pressure, pulling the plunger out accordingly.
The ASPIVENIN ®, also cleans wounds and removes the pus from pimples.

The ASPIVENIN ® is disposable.