NOYNOY Bisquit Cream 7 Cereals, Honey and Milk 300g -20%

Product Sku: 29638

Product information



Bisquit Cream Nounou, from 7 cereals, honey and milk, is a well-balanced supplemental food for infants after the 6th month. It contains in ideal proportions essential vitamins and trace elements that contribute to the smooth growth of infants and young children.
It is worth knowing that Mpiskotokrema Nounou is:
Rich in vitamins A and D which contribute to the proper functioning of the immune system.
Rich in calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D that help in healthy bone growth.
Rich in vitamin B1 and source of vitamin B6 and B2, essential for the proper functioning of the nervous system and the exploitation of energy from food, as well as a source of iron which helps in the normal cognitive development of the child.

Infant-Children''s food, Bisquit Cream , from the 6th month

Store in a shady and cool place, away from children.
It contains gluten.
Do not reuse the left cream.
Once opened, the product can be kept in a dry and cool place for 4 weeks, provided it is well closed.
The product is packaged in a protected environment.