Riviera Schweden Bitter Bottle Health Elixir 1000ml

Product Sku: 14413

Product information



Paracelsus (1493 1541 AD), the great alchemist of the Renaissance and the father of modern medicine, in 1538 made the recipe "elixir of longevity." The called "universal treatment" and promised that whoever took "would bring the most important functions of internal organs and will benefit the entire body" to bring about "lengthening the duration of his life."

Unfortunately, the original recipe was lost or stolen and not discovered until 250 years later, in an unpublished manuscript. Swedish Physicians Dr. Urban Hjarne and Dr. Claus Samst, whose many elements of life unfortunately is not known, worked on this recipe. Were both holders of this secret of longevity. The first died at 83, three times married with 26 children and the second died at age 104 years after an accident with his horse. In the manuscript of Dr. Samst, explained in 46 points, that this "elixir of longevity" stimulates, revitalizes, protects and heals every disease.

The Schweden Vitter pronounced "sventen bitter" and means "Swedish Bitter" was used extensively in Central Europe, and even today its effectiveness against many diseases, causing the scientific search of the secret, this herbal mixture.

The Schweden Vitter is a carefully balanced blend of 16 herbs, prepared in pure alcohol with no sweetener. This produces a bitter but pleasant, aromatic drink. It is suitable not only for oral use but also extremely effective when applied externally.

Instructions for oral ingestion.

- Preventive every morning and evening of 1 teaspoon.
- For something more serious morning, noon and night by 1 tablespoon.

Half an hour before and half an hour after, avoid consuming dairy products.
Although fans Schweden Bitter enjoyed neat, well it is any of the above doses are diluted in water, tea or juice.

External use.

Infuse cotton or gauze to Original Schweden Bitter and apply to affected area, which previously have covered arnica ointment. Then cover, with a piece of plastic film to avoid soiling his clothes and wrap it all with a bandage. The compress should be kept in at least 2 hours and if tolerated, can stay overnight. When removed, poudraroume skin with talcum powder.

If someone with sensitive skin, irritation present, you should avoid compresses or at its discretion to use them for shorter periods. People allergic to plastic should not use it. If anyone present itch, treat it easily with arnica ointment.


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