Solgar Quercetin Complex 50V.Caps

Product Sku: 1751

Product information



Nutritional supplement against allergies, bruises and inflammation.

This is a product of Solgar with high power quercetin. The quercetin is a non-citric bioflavonoid, which is found in apples and onions in large quantities. The properties available, make excellent natural anti-inflammatory, which helps to inhibit the creation of bruises. Characterized as the queen of bioflavonoids and is especially useful for the treatment of allergies.

Solgar Quercetin Complex has quercetin mixed with vitamin C (prepared according to patent Ester-C Plus of Solgar). Also includes citrate bioflavonoids, rosehip fruit, vromelaini, acerola. The anti-inflammatory and antihistamine action of quercetin reinforced by the other nutrients in the formula Quercetin Complex.

Solgar Quercetin Complex is beneficial in cases nose and sneezing from hay fever and allergies to other types. Furthermore, according to recent scientific studies, quercetin has been shown to inhibit the production and release of histamine and provides antioxidant action.


It is only used in adults, as a dietary supplement and herbal extracts.
Given as an vegicap.
Solgar Quercetin Complex contains 50 vegicaps
You can get 1-2 vegicaps day, as you dine.

CAUTION! No dietary supplement does not replace a healthy and varied diet. If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, you are taking any medication or suffer from a disease, ask your doctor for advice before taking the product.

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