Product Sku: 25771-1
Therapeutic graduated compression stockings with certification from the German Institute GGG RAL therapeutic class I and type Stockings.
The socks should be worn in the morning. make sure that the feet are clean and dry, and it has spread a small amount of talcum powder in them. The compression therapy medical socks should only be carried kara day and not at night. In case of short meridian rests its removal is not required. Recommend this provider by as much as walking gait is a significant part of the treatment of the venous-lymphatic insufficiency and further enhances the advantages of using epitychganontai sock varisan compression.
The compression level and the typology of medical compression stockings should be recommended by a doctor.
Class 1 (18-21 mmHg)
Size Selection Guide
- Size 1 2 3 4 5
ankle 19-20 21-23 23-25 25-27 28-30
calf 31-34 34-37 37-40 40-44 44-48
thigh 50-55 53-58 56-61 60-66 64-70
Made in Italy
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