A.Vogel Vitaforce 200ml

Product Sku: 10396

Product information



100% organic multivitamin formula of concentrated nutritious super-food "natural" energy, stamina and wellbeing
Multivitamin, restorative tonic formulation
100% natural ingredients
From concentrated bioactive ingredients from certified organic agriculture
Contains natural vitamin E.
Description - mode of action
The Vita Force produced according to the original recipe of the famous Swiss physician Alfred Vogel, from pure 100% certified organic ingredients.
By applying a special method of processing and production strictly controlled conditions and a strict quality control at all stages of the production process (raw materials, intermediate steps, the final product) to ensure that the finished product preserves all organic nutrients .
One step ahead of the synthetic vitamin formulas that often enough, according to numerous studies create nutritional imbalances in the body due to reduced absorption.
The Vita Force consists only of concentrated bioactive natural ingredients certified organic origin, which are 100% absorbed by the body providing him with all the necessary vitamins, amino acids, antioxidants, proteins, minerals and numerous trace elements.
Sallow juice, malt extract and yeast, pollen, wheat germ, rosehip fruit, concentrated juice of dates, juice of tropical fruit durian, orange juice concentrate, natural honey
Dosage and method of use
Adults: 1 tablespoon to 2 times a day before
each meal, neat or diluted in water or fruit juice.
Children (3 years and over): 1 tablespoon 1 time per day

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