Wheyprotein enhanced with complex carbohydrates and natural olive oil.
The Complete Gainer of Lamberts is a specially designed product sports nutrition which contains a combination of high quality and purity whey protein (Whey Protein Concentrate) and complex carbohydrates. Every 100 g of the preparation of this offer:
the impressive quantity of 34 gr pure protein
over 7 gr branching-chain amino acid (BCAA & # 146s). The 3 branching-chain amino acids (BCAA & # 146s = Leucine, isoleucine and valine) are the basic building block for the formation of 1/3 of total muscle protein of the Agency. Other important structural role are the primary source of coverage of energy needs of muscles, katabolizontai exclusively in muscle tissue.
54 grams complex carbohydrates. Carbohydrates contribute to the absorption of proteins and increasing their bioavailability (and hence contribute to the composition of muscle tissue), as well as the rehabilitation of the glykagonoy levels of the organization.
Adding olive oil (extremely high source of essential omega-9 fatty acids) ensures the gradual release of energy from protein and carbohydrates of Complete Gainer.
The Complete Gainer:
can be used as a meal replacement, either between the main meals, either fully regaining a main meal.
can be used after fitness programmes with the aim of increasing muscle mass, in the context of rehabilitation (replenishment of protein and energy levels
can sygchorigithei with either Multi Guard ® Sport, or any other product of the series sports nutrition of Lamberts, depending on the needs of the athlete.
The powder is easily soluble and with pleasant Vanilla flavor