Life Extension Gamma E Tocopherol with Sesame Lignans Anti-Aging 60s

Product Sku: 5796

Product information



Dietary supplement anti-aging with Gamma tocopherol.

On the evolution of aging in the body causes the production of free radicals. The destruction of free radicals can be achieved by taking supplements of vitamin e. vitamin e you can find in four forms, the most important of which is the alpha tocopherol, which hinders the oxidation of fat of "bad" cholesterol (LDL) and the creation of free radicals, and Gamma tocopherol, which contributes to trapping and inactivation of free radicals. However, most dietary supplements with vitamin e contain alpha tocopherol, although Gamma tocopherol destroys free radicals.

One of these supplements is the Gamma E Tocopherol with Sesame Lignans, which alongside the Gamma tocopherol sesame seeds, and combines that stimulate antioxidant action. So, the Life Extension manages to maximize the benefits that can be received by the Agency from the Gamma tocopherol.

Dosage: you can consume one capsule a day, with food. Not at the same time with fiber supplements.

The Pack contains 60 capsules.

CAUTION! Not downloading the product, if you consume blood thinners or have problems with bleeding.

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