Solgar Cat''s Claw 30Tabs

Product Sku: 1886

Product information



cat''s claw, food supplement from Solgar.
The Uncaria tomentosa, or "Cat''s Claw" is the super-herb with anticancer properties. Harvested in the rainforests of Peru and Brazil and has been used by traditional medicine in America to treat infections, arthritis and gastrointestinal disorders. This herb stimulates the immune system and is a proven anti-inflammatory due to containing phytochemicals which act therapeutically in the body. Kouinovikou acid glycosides The cool inflammation and alkaloids oxyindolia and proanthocyanidins strengthen the immune system. Also contains sterols, for treating arthritis. The cat''s claw, help detoxify the intestinal tract and to replenish friendly bacteria in the gut, which is useful for those suffering from gastrointestinal disorders, especially those caused by inflammation. Some of the possible uses of cat''s claw is in the treatment of cancerous tumors. Studies on cancer have found evidence that the cat''s claw may help to treat cancer patients, improving the outcome of chemotherapy
DOSAGE: In vegicaps. Take 1-3 vegicaps daily, preferably with meals. Suitable for vegans.
CAUTION: If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, you are taking medication or have a medical condition, consult your doctor before taking.

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