Solgar Cat’s Claw Inner Bark Extract 60V.Caps

Product Sku: 1925

Product information



Cat''s Claw Inner Bark Extract, nutritional supplement from Solgar.
It acts effectively as a mild anti-inflammatory. Numerous scientific studies have shown that stimulates the white blood cells to fight infections while an Italian study demonstrated that the cat''s claw has substantially reduced the ability of the two viruses can cause contamination.
The cat''s claw draws the antiinflammatory and antibacterial abilities of many phytochemicals comprising which act therapeutically in human body. Kouinovikou acid glycosides The cool inflammation and alkaloids oxyindolia and proanthocyanidins strengthen the immune system. More specifically contribute to the treatment of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, because the active substances contained in it, help to reduce inflammation. end used by western medicine for a number of other diseases, such as diabetes, Crohn''s syndrome, multiple sclerosis, the altsachaimer, herpes n. a
DOSAGE: Take 1-3 vegicaps Cat’s Claw Inner Bark Extract daily, preferably in conjunction with meals. Suitable for vegans.Se vegicaps.
PRECAUTIONS: If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, you are taking medication or have a medical condition, consult your doctor before taking Cat’s Claw Inner Bark Extract.

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