Solgar Vitamin B-12 500ug 50V.Caps

Product Sku: 1657

Product information



Food supplement with vitamin B-12.

Vitamin B-12
, or cobalamin otherwise deemed necessary ingredient for good and smooth functioning of all body cells, especially those of bone marrow, nervous system and gastrointestinal tract. It contributes to the formation of red blood cells and normal functioning of the cardiovascular system. Get the vitamin B-12 can be made from the products of animal origin. Vitamin B-12 contributes to maintain the body normal psychological functions, and act effectively in the immune system to normal functioning.

The dietary supplement of Vitamin B-12 of Solgar company is mainly in people who do not receive through their daily diet with the necessary amounts of vitamin B-12 needed by the body. Individuals who are deficient in vitamin B-12 usually in groups of older people, herbivores and humans, which are disorders in the digestive system. Still, people with anemia lack of vitamin B-12, so it would be good to receive this supplement.


It is only used in adults, in the form vegicap.
Contains 50 fytokapsoules of 500 mg.
Ye receive vegicap one Solgar Vitamin B-12  day, as you dine.
Suitable for vegans.

CAUTION! No dietary supplement does not replace a healthy and balanced diet. Ask your doctor for advice before taking the product if pregnant, breast feeding, you are taking any medication or suffer from an illness.

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